Thursday, 11 February 2016

Carly Fiorina Peaked Early And Faded Fast

Carly Fiorina dropped out of the presidential race this afternoon, viaFacebook message, a day after her seventh-place finish, with just 4 percent of the vote, in the New Hampshire primary. The “And Then There Were None”-esque winnowing of the GOP presidential field continues.
Fiorina entered the campaign in May of last year, the only female Republican candidate, touting her leadership experience as the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. If there was a lane for Fiorina in what was once a 17-laneautobahn-style highway of a GOP race, then it was one for a hybrid vehicle: She was the outsider-establishment candidate, running largely on her businesswoman bona fides and having never held elected office, and a gender warrior to boot.
Fiorina garnered attention early in the primary season for her debate performances, particularly in response to personal attacks launched by Donald Trump. “Look at that face,” he said of Fiorina, according to a September Rolling Stone article. “Would anyone vote for that?” In a Sept. 16 debate, Fiorina fired back: “I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said.” Her performance was also notable for her claims about undercover videos of a Planned Parenthood clinic, which Fiorina wrongly said showed “a fully formed fetus” kicking on the table.
Not coincidentally, Fiorina’s support in the polls reached its all-time high in September:

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